There is not a central place to get fact-based salary information. Sage is a platform that encourages data gathering for workplace equity within the advertising.

Infographic Logo
We created a dynamic logo to match the reality of the gender wage gap. The current letter height for each character represents one of the four values represented in the Women’s Wage Gap 2022 chart. For example, the “S” represents $1.00, while the “A” represents $0.83 of that one dollar. Our hope is to continue updating the logo as the years progress until all of the characters align.


A free informational app that provides resources regarding salary negotiating, agency policies, and salary statistics. The information is sourced from users sharing their current gender, role, location, agency and salary within the advertising industry.
View the full app walk through here.
View the full app walk through here.

Agency Overview

Salary Search & Filter

Salary Share


New Allyship Promotion
Sage will promote prominent industry leaders when they join.


Campaign Launch

Sage of the Year
Awarded to an advertising agency annually for prioritizing gender equity. Similar to the logo, the Sage award will change annually based on salary data.

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